One Sentence: Growing Christ followers, Jump in Here!

If you think you are ready to expand your daily Bible reading, this plan is a 6 month. In it, you will read the entire New Testament, as well as Proverbs and Psalms, two of the poetic books in the Old Testament. You may use this Bible reading program for as long as you need.



  • Put aside about 30 minutes each day.

  • Begin with a prayer asking the Holy Spirit to speak specifically to you.

  • As you read, circle, underline or highlight at least “one sentence” that “jumps out” to you.

  • In a notebook, smartphone, tablet or computer, jot down that verse and write what you sense God is saying to you. For example, if you read Psalm 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need,” you might write: Today, I am confident that God promises to be all that I need in spite of the struggles of my life.”

  • End your time with prayer.

  • Look for opportunities throughout your day that share this insight from the Holy Spirit with someone.